50 years of experience in podiatry.
Our cosmetics incorporate the purest and most environmentally friendly components.

Carefully crafted formulas aimed at restoring foot health and providing lasting relief.

Advanced Protection
Protects against fungal infections and other skin conditions through preventive action.

Plant ingredients
Natural formulas for a gentle and skin-friendly care experience.
We generally observe a thickening on the affected nail, sometimes white spots or a yellowed, detached nail which crumbles and breaks easily. However, we advise you to have the appearance of your nail noted by a podiatrist if in doubt.
- Keep your nails short
- Dry your toes and between your toes well after getting out of the shower
- Remove your socks and shoes at home to prevent your feet from remaining damp (maceration causes the fungus to proliferate)
- Apply the solution to the yellowed nail twice a day, every day, until the nail visually improves (around 4 months for a toenail)
- Wear sandals in public places (swimming pools, showers, changing rooms) to avoid any risk of contagion
Avertissement :
Les informations générales données sur le site Alpskin sont à titre informatif uniquement et ne sauraient en aucun cas constituer une information médicale.
Ces informations ne peuvent se substituer à un diagnostic, une consultation ou un suivi médical, ni engager notre responsabilité.
L'avis d'un médecin ou d'un professionnel de la santé compétent est toujours et vivement conseillé.